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Happy 4th of July to All. Ours, Not So Happy.

Happy 4th of July to All. Ours, Not So Happy.

-Latest on Our White Creamy Blonde Litters   /   Jul 4th, 2024   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
Greetings From Emery-n-Denise’s Golden Puppies!

We want to start by wishing and hoping that everyone had a happy 4th of July. Unfortunately, it was a sad day for Emery-n-Denise’s Golden Puppies. It was really just a culmination of the perfect storm that resulted in the way everything turned out for us and one of our precious Goldens.

On Wednesday evening we encountered two things: one by a strange act of nature, and the other by our wonderful neighbors who were celebrating their 4th of July a day early on Wednesday the 3rd. The first thing that happened is we had a major thunderstorm pass directly over our property. We’ve had plenty of thunderstorms here in the past 18 years, but nothing resulting in lightning directly over our property. The lightning was horrendous and terribly close. Luckily, we had no lightning strikes directly on our property but the thunderous sound was almost deafening. The next thing that took place immediately after the thunderstorm passed, it seems our neighbor and close friend who lives only a little more than a quarter mile away from us, had gone out and spent a lot of money on some professional grade fireworks. Fireworks one might see at a stadium event or amusement park. They began setting them off immediately after the thunderstorm cleared. The sound from the huge rockets was just as loud as the thunder, and because these two events happened back to back, the deafening sound continued on relentlessly for over an hour. Immediately after the fireworks had finished, we went out to check on all of our precious Goldens and all were doing just fine except one. One of our Goldens, Esmae, was lying down and not greeting us when we approached. She appeared to be in trouble as we observed her trying to move unsuccessfully. Within just a few minutes of discovering her lying there, she died. We knew at that point the loud sounds from the thunderstorm and fireworks were just too much and too intense for her in her current hormonal state.

The whole freakish timing of events were exacerbated by the fact that Esmae was right at the most intense stage of her heat cycle. Although she had not conceived with Duke yet, they were just a day or two away from mating. Esmae is the daughter of our light blonde Goldens, Oliver and Lexie (now retired). We still have both of these Goldens who are nearing 14 years of age. Both are doing well in their "golden years." All of our other Goldens survived the fireworks and lightning storm with no problems at all. Even Oliver and Lexie, our 95 year old Goldens (in human years), did fine during these two evening events that transpired. However unlike Esmae, none of our other females were at the height of their mating stage, and we feel this contributed to her stress level resulting in Esmae's death.

Normally, it would be a rarity for loud noises such as lightning or fireworks to cause the death of a Golden Retriever. Even shotgun noise exposure to Golden hunting dogs would not be life threatening if properly trained at an early age. And, under most circumstances thunder or fireworks are far enough away that they aren't devastatingly loud. In this case, the lightning and the fireworks were closeby and very loud. We had no forewarning of either of these events or how close they would be to our property. This combined with Esmae's hormonal state resulted in a rare cause of her death.

Needless to say, we are devastated over this and will be in mourning for a while. Esmae was such a wonderful Golden that had so much love to give. She was less than 5 years old. It feels like a part of you dies along with the passing of one’s Golden. The bright side of this is our hearts are not completely empty because we have all of our other amazing Goldens to fill the void of Esmae’s passing.

Our good friend and neighbor who had his early fireworks had no way of knowing about the culmination of events that would lead to this tragic event. They were well within their rights to celebrate the 4th of July in the fashion they chose. We have no ill feelings towards them for what transpired.

Under the circumstances, we will no longer be accepting deposits for Duke and Esmae’s Sept 2024 litter. And, we will not be offering a White Creamy Blonde litter for the foreseeable future. Duke is nearing 9 years of age and it would take us perhaps more than a year to find the right Golden mate for him that meets all our standards and requirements to offer quality puppies. Currently, there are 5 parties who are on the waiting list for one of the pups from this upcoming white creamy blonde litter from Duke and Esmae. We know this is disappointing, but we have some options for our customers to consider:

First Option: You can request a refund very simply and with our complete understanding. If you have deposits on any of our other upcoming litters, you will need to wait for the outcome of those other litters to see if we can offer a pup to fulfill your reservation. However, you can immediately request a refund of your deposit on Duke and Esmae’s upcoming litter. Refunds are nomally returned within 24 hours of your written request by text message or email. You will have 6 weeks (until August 15th) to make your request. If we do not receive your request for a refund by August 15, 2024 we will automatically move your deposit(s) over to one of our other upcoming litters: White Cream, Auburn, or BSP. If you prefer to be on the waiting list of one of these upcoming litters as opposed to the one we place you on, please let us know and we will make an adjustment.

Second Option: You can request to roll your deposit over to one of our other upcoming Golden Retriever litters, but your place in line will be after those who are already on the waiting list that you choose. Please have a look at the Upcoming Litters Reservation List on our home page to help you decide which of our upcoming litters would work best for you. Also, if you already have a deposit(s) on any of our other upcoming litters, you can request to roll your deposit from Duke and Esmae's upcoming litter to your other reservation(s). Please email or text us.

This has been hard for us to write and equally hard for those of you on Duke and Esmae’s waiting list to hear and we wish things could have been different. However, sometimes we just have to take what God hands to us and the natural course of things. Our hearts go out to those of you who have to deal with the disappointment that this brings. Please accept our most sincere apologies and know that our hearts are deeply disappointed too because we think everyone should have a Golden Retriever in their family. Please feel free to call us if you desire to talk about this and any requests you might have.

Emery-n-Denise’s Golden Puppies

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