OCT 16TH, 2022 UPDATE: Since Arianna, our light blonde color female, was due to have her litter of puppies back in September but didn't conceive, we wanted to spread the good news about a new opportunity for those of you who are on the Light Blonde waiting list. Oliver is Arianna's mate and he and Lexie, who we retired a couple of years ago, had her last litter back in late 2019. We kept one of the female puppies from that litter and named her Esmarelda, from Oliver and Lexie. Esmae is now nearly 3 years old and had her first litter of pups last March which was a huge success. We put Esmae (one of our Light Blonde American Goldens) with one of our White Engilsh Cream Goldens, Duke (an all white European Golden Retriever), and the pups were absolutely magnificent! The pups were so beautiful and their new owners were ecstatic to see them! You can see videos of those puppies
here. And now, as of Oct 15th, Esmae and Duke have had their 2nd litter together, which we think everyone is going to be very attracted to, especially if you were wanting a Light Blonde color puppy but didn't get one last month due to Arianna not conceiving. Now, keep in mind that this new litter of White Creamy Blonde pups represents the best of both worlds of Golden Retrievers. This is because the pairing of these two have produced Light Blonde American and English Cream European Golden puppies. There are several reasons why this makes a more desirable pure bred Golden Retriever puppy. We are going to give our existing customers who have been on our waiting list for the Light Blonde litter first rights of refusal to get one of these White Creamy Blonde puppies born on October 15th. Right now, there are several male pups and several female pups available. We will be making the final announcement on how many are available of each gender sometime on Saturday, Oct 22nd. If interested, please get in touch with us by phone or text message and let us know you want to switch your reservation from Light Blonde, to White Creamy Blonde. We will hold this offer open to those who have already placed a deposit on our Light Blonde litter up until Sunday October 23rd to contact us. After that date, we will be offering the White Creamy Blonde pups to the general public. So, please get in touch with us if you are interested in this new litter of pups which will make a fabulous Christmas present for the family (the take home date will be on or after Dec 16th). One more important note to keep in mind: This will be our last litter which will go home to their new families this year before the 2023 price increase occurs.
SEPT 24TH, 2022 UPDATE: Arianna, our light blonde color female, was due to have a litter of puppies by September 22nd, 2022. As of September 24th, we have confirmed that she did not conceive during her July heat cycle of 2022. It brings sadness to our hearts to tell all of those who have been patiently waiting for good news that there will be no Light Blonde Color Litter for this summer. We had Arianna examined by our Vet and she is perfectly healthy. We are planning to breed her again in early 2023 and expect her next litter to be born in the March/April 2023 time frame. She is such a good momma but we think this is probably a good thing for her to have this break until early 2023.
For those who have placed a deposit on a male or female pup from Arianna’s litter (1st or 2nd Priority), you have a several options to consider:
- You can request a refund of your Priority puppy deposit. This will be your only chance to request a refund between now and November 5th, 2022. If you do not request a refund before this date, your deposit becomes non-refundable after November 5th, 2022 and will be rolled over automatically to the next Light Blonde color puppy litter due 6 to 7 months from now. You will keep your same place in line for her next litter in early 2023.
- You can choose to roll your deposit over to Arianna's next Light Blonde litter due to be born in March or April of 2023. You do not need to do anything if you want to choose this option and we we automatically roll your deposit over to the next litter. However if you choose this option, you can no longer request a refund of your deposit under any circumstance after November 5th, 2022. When you choose to roll your deposit over to a future litter of the same color, your deposit can be applied towards the purchase of a puppy from one of the next three litters in that color. This protects you from losing your deposit for about 18-20 months.
- You can move your Priority puppy deposit over to another color of one of our upcoming puppy litters due in the Fall 2022 or the Spring of 2023. If you choose this option, you will be placed behind others who are already in line for that litter color and gender, but you will still be able to request a refund if you don't get get a puppy from another color of one of our upcoming litters.
- If you have previously put more than one deposit down and are already in line for any of our other upcoming litter colors, we can move your Light Blonde puppy deposit to your other reservation and all your deposits will go towards the purchase of that puppy.
PLEASE KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN MIND WHEN MAKING YOUR DECISION: All puppies from our upcoming litters that are taken home or delivered in 2023 will have a price increase of $400 due to the rising costs of our expenses. With our nation's new administration, we have experienced rising gasoline prices, Vet costs, dog food prices, vaccines, utilities, and many other cost increases in our breeding program. That being said, we know that we will still be at least 35% to 50% lower in our prices than other breeders and pet stores across the U.S. The average price for a pure bred, AKC Golden Retriever puppy is currently between $3000 and $5000 (but don't take our word for it, we encourage you to talk to other breeders and shop around). We have been around half that price in 2022, and with our price increase in 2023, we will still be 35% to 50% lower in our prices than other breeders and pet stores across the U.S.
If you would like to receive a refund of your September 2022 Light Blonde litter puppy deposit rather than roll it over to the next Light Blonde litter OR,
if you want to move your deposit to another puppy color reservation, please call us to make this request, then text or email us to confirm what you want to do in writing.
If you simply want to roll your deposit over to the next Light Blonde litter in the Spring of 2023, you do not need to do anything, we will update your reservation automatically.
If you were on our Standby waiting list for a male or female pup from Arianna’s September 2022 litter, we will move you to the Standby list for her next litter due in the Spring of 2023.
We would like to extend a very heart-felt apology

for this news about Arianna’s litter due this month, and even though we tried our best as breeders, some things are just beyond our control. We wish we had a better means to foretell the future so that we could offer a bit more certainty to our customers, but we just haven’t been able to find a reliable crystal ball to accomplish this. Emery-n-Denise’s Golden Puppies wishes to thank everyone for their patience with both us and Arianna, and thank you for considering Emery-n-Denise's Golden Puppies!